Your full Media mocks are a great opportunity to practice the full 90-minute exams you'll be doing this summer.
Use your notes, blog work and revision booklets / practice questions to prepare for the following:
Media 1 mock exam: Monday 24 February P5&6
Section A: Media Language, Representations and Contexts
Unseen text analysis - look at previous assessment LRs and revise mise-en-scene (CLAMPS) and other key media language from your GLoW Media glossary.
Magazines: Tatler and Heat - link to original Magazines index here. You can also find the original lesson slides here.
Advertising & Marketing: OMO washing powder advert, Galaxy Audrey Hepburn Chauffeur advert, NHS Represent campaign - link to original Advertising index here. You can also find the original lesson slides here.
Section B: Media Industries and Audiences
Film Industry: Black Widow and I, Daniel Blake - link to Film Industry index here.
Radio: Radio 1 Launch - Tony Blackburn and Kiss Breakfast on Kiss FM - link to Radio index here.
Music Video: BLACKPINK - How You Like That and Arctic Monkeys - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Music Video final index here.
Media 2 mock exam: Wednesday 5 March P1&2
Section A: Television
The questions in the first section on TV will be on the screened extract from one of our TV close-study products with 2, 8 and 12 mark questions about the clip. The clip will be from one of the episodes we have studied - Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child or His Dark Materials: The City of Magpies.
Question 2 is a 20-mark essay on BOTH Doctor Who and His Dark Materials - TV blog notes can be found on the TV final index here.
Section B: Newspapers or Online, Social and Participatory Media
TWO 20-mark essays on Newspapers (the Daily Mirror and The Times) or OSP (Marcus Rashford and Kim Kardashian) - these could focus on any of the four key concepts: Language, Industries, Audiences, Representations.
For Newspapers, you will need to be able to refer to the CSP pages provided by AQA.
The OSP CSP notes can be found here:
Important: the final question in Media Two is the synoptic question where you need to demonstrate your knowledge of the whole course of study. The best way to do this is to try and use all FOUR key concepts in your answer: Language, Representations, Audiences, Industries. Alternatively, you can mention an additional CSP that relates to the question you are given.
Revision is the key
It's important that you revise properly for these exams and give yourself the best possible chance of success. It's fine to make mistakes - that's what mock exams are for - but there's no excuse for not knowing some key information about the CSPs we have studied.
We suggest creating revision cards or knowledge organisers using the following topics:
Media language
E.g. Denotation and Connotation, Camerawork, Mise-en-scene, Intertextuality, Key conventions etc.
Media theories
E.g. Narrative theories (Todorov, Propp, Barthes), Reception theory, Uses & Gratifications theory etc.
All 16 CSPs we have studied so far in the course. See links above to original blogposts. We recommend one revision card for each key concept you need to study for each CSP. E.g.:
Tatler - Language and Representations - 2 revision cards
Doctor Who - Language, Industries, Audiences, Representations - 4 revision cards
Media language: Glossary and terminology
We have been focusing on GLoW words throughout the course - the key words you need to know for GCSE Media. Here are two links to help with your Media language revision:
You'll need your Greenford Google login to open these.
Revision cards
If you would like some revision cards to revise with feel free to pop in to DF07 and I'll happily provide you with them for free - I strongly recommend creating revision cards for all the exam CSPs and also for media terminology and theory (e.g. Mise-en-scene, Reception theory, Uses & Gratifications theory etc.)
The better you know the terminology, theory and CSPs, the better you'll do in the exams... Good luck!